What is the LiveGood Affiliate Program?

LiveGood affiliate program products

The LiveGood affiliate program is taking the world by storm

If you have landed on this page you are most likely wondering, “What is this LiveGood affiliate program I keep hearing about”? As of this writing there are over 1.2 million worldwide members (and growing daily) of LiveGood taking advantage of amazing products made from the highest quality ingredients and at the best possible prices. You are not alone in your search to get more information about this amazing opportunity.

Basically, you can present LiveGood’s high-quality products to your audience. (friends, family, co-workers, social media following etc) And every sale that results from this will earn you a commission. We put together this guide to help you understand all the ins and outs of the company—the LiveGood Affiliate Program—and how you can make the most of it.

What is affiliate marketing?

Sometimes called “performance,” “pay-for-performance,” or “commission-based” marketing, affiliate marketing is a type of marketing model. It uses third-party publishers to boost its merchant’s products or services. Believe it or not you can be an affiliate for almost any company. Walmart, Amazon, Target, LiveGood just to name a few.

Basically, the company will pay you a commission when you bring them a sale. Most companies like Amazon will offer you a small one time commission on a product referral but some of the best opportunities offer you a recurring commission. So, whenever a customer you referred orders a product, you make a commission. Not just one time, but for the life of the customer and whenever they order. (including new items introduced to the product line) Personally, I feel that if you are going to put in the effort to promote something it is better to get recurring revenue from it vs a one time commission from someone you can’t further promote too.

Most companies that offer an affiliate program work like this:

  1. First you set up an account- then you get an unique tracking code or tracking link so the company can keep tabs on all of your referrals and give you credit .
  2. You promote and refer- you promote your unique affiliate links and when someone makes a purchase you earn a commission.
  3. Low cost and low risk- You don’t have to invest heavily or create products and you can promote products for several companies.

How is the LiveGood affiliate program different?

I will dig deeper into this a little later but the short version is the LiveGood affiliate program has taken the best aspects from two marketing methods and merged them together to give us the best of both worlds. Affiliate marketing meets Network Marketing. So as a LiveGood affiliate you will have the opportunity to promote awesome products at amazing prices and you will also have the option to build a team of liked-minded individuals.

Both business models separately have their down falls but combined together, pack a one, two punch for the perfect business model. With traditional network marketing you usually have to buy products monthly, the products are usually overpriced compared to the rest of the market, you typically have volume requirements and you have to balance your team legs often not getting paid on all team members if one leg heavily out balances the other.

Affiliate marketing offers you the opportunity to promote products and earn a commission when you make a sale…..but it is usually a one time commission and you have no idea who the buyer is nor can you market to them any further.

The LiveGood affiliate program solves these problems. You earn recurring commission on work you did in the past, you can get repeat sales, the prices are amazing and the products are of the highest quality. The main thing to recognize here is that you get recurring income on a customer referral. You get paid over and over. With a program like Amazon, you only get paid one time when your customer uses your link. In order to earn a commission from that customer again they would have to somehow find you again and use another link to another product (or reorder with the original link). LiveGood is different, once you make a sale, that customers is now connected to you and all they have to do is log in with their credentials and any future sale will be credited to you.

Two LiveGood pricing models to choose from

LiveGood offers the customer the option of how they would like to make their purchase. They can choose to become a member, much like a Costco or Sam’s Club membership and get products at almost wholesale or they can choose to just buy at the retail price which is still a very competitive price. If the customer chooses to make a purchase retail you earn 50% and up on the difference between the retail and the member price. If the customer becomes a member and takes advantage of the member pricing you will earn 2.5% recurring on the monthly membership fee which is $9.95. Very comparable to Sam’s Club, Costco or BJ’s Warehouse. Keep in mind there are 7 ways to earn as a LiveGood affiliate.

LiveGood price comparison

Why are LiveGood’s prices so much lower?

Most wellness and skincare companies spend a big chunk of their revenue on advertising or share up to 50% or more of their profits with independent reps, affiliates, doctors, or stores that sell their products. But LiveGood is different.

Instead of paying stores and spending millions on commercials to sell our products, we cut out the middlemen and their profits. This allows YOU to buy the highest quality products available anywhere at a fraction of the price!

Yes, LiveGood has affiliates but the commission is paid on the membership. If you sell at retail, which are still amazing prices, then you earn a commission on the difference between the member price and the retail price.

LiveGood CBD oil price comparison

How do I share the LiveGood affiliate program with others?

Whether you are a fitness trainer, a health and wellness influencer, just looking for great products or just a regular guy or gal that wants to save on these awesome products, there is something for everyone. The LiveGood affiliate program has kept this in mind when deciding the ways that these programs and opportunity can be shared.

There are currently 5 website that you will get once you become a LiveGood affiliate. You can also direct link to every product in the catalog. Below is the a list of what your 5 websites will look like.

Main LiveGood website

Save up to 90% with LiveGood

This is where you can send anyone. This site with show both the retail price and the member price of all the LiveGood products. They can become a member and “save” from this site or they can just purchase retail it that is the customers choice. The main focus of this site is for products but you can also become an affiliate from this page.


LiveGood retail website

LiveGood affiliate program products

This site is for retail only. It looks identical to the LiveGood site but it only shows the retail prices of the products. It does not show the LiveGood member prices. You would us this site if you are focusing specifically on retail.


Product page website for Organic Super Reds

LiveGood Super Reds site banner

This site is specifically to sell Organic LiveGood Super Reds. This products is so popular that it gets its’ own landing page.


Product page website for Organic Super Greens

LiveGood Super Greens site banner

This site is specifically to sell Organic LiveGood Super Greens. This product is also so popular that it gets it’s own landing page.


Power Line LiveGood Affiliate Program landing page

LiveGood affiliate program tour banner

This site is where you send people you are telling about the LiveGood affiliate program. From here they can see the 5 minute video presentation, and fill in their information to become a Pre-enrollee in our system. Once they opt in the prospect will also receive some follow up emails taking some of the follow up pressure off of you.


Direct link to LiveGood products

In addition to the above sites you will get you will also be able to direct link to any products that are available. All you have to do is replace decidetostayfit with the screen name you chose when you created your account. Below are 3 examples of direct links. You can see what the product is in the link.

LiveGood Ultra Magnesium Complex


LiveGood Vitamin D3 with K2


LiveGood Multivitamin for men


How much does it cost to join the LiveGood Affiliate Program?

There is a one time affiliate fee of $40 to get started. The member fee is $9.95 a month or you get a discount of 20% if you pay for the year. Yearly, your member fee would be $99.95 for the year. This is literally a steal when you take a look at the member pricing and calculate the savings you will be receiving on awesome products that you use every day.

How to get started with the LiveGood Affiliate Program?

Start LiveGood

Getting started with the LiveGood affiliate program is pretty simple. If you would like to take the tour and learn more about how it works just go https://livegoodquestions.com/earn and enter in your email address and your on your way!

If you know you are ready to get started and want to cut to the chase just go to this page https://livegoodquestions.com/affiliate and click the “Become an Affiliate” button. Then add to cart. You also will want to click the “Become a Member” tab at the top of the page and choose your membership. Add that to your cart. The feel free to add any products to your cart that you want to try. Personally I switched out everything I was using from another company for these products which are less expensive and a better quality. For example, the Vitamin D I was taking had soybean oil in it. Why? I switched to the LiveGood vitamin D and now NO more seed oil and it also has K2 in it. Win, win. I get a better magnesium now and a better multivitamin.

Expand your earning potential with LiveGood’s high quality products

LiveGood has a diverse range of quality products and the list is growing all the time. With LiveGood you can offer your audience a vast range of products and feel comfortable knowing that these are some of the cleanest products around. No sucralose, no red dyes, blue dyes, yellow dyes, seed oils or GMO’s.

LiveGood Lean
This is for LiveGood LEAN

These products can make a difference in people’s lives and you can feel good knowing you are helping to boost their health and wellness.

Don’t think our great prices mean we compromise on quality. All of LiveGood’s unique, high quality supplements are made with the finest ingredients at the best manufacturing facilities in the world!

In fact, we use only the highest quality (and often most expensive) ingredients. LiveGood thoroughly inspects and approves every batch of raw materials, and partners with the top-rated manufacturing facilities in the country. This means our products actually cost more to make than many high-end products on the market.

Earn affiliate commissions on sales

Whether you sell a product at retail or the customer becomes a member, you earn a commission. You also earn a commission when someone you know decides to become an affiliate from your link. This is your chance to generate a real residual passive income for your future.

Do you remember when Amazon only sold books? That is where I feel LiveGood is at this moment in time (5-2024). Would you have jumped in to promote Amazon back in it’s early days?

Consumers are smarter than ever

The internet and Chat GPT have turned the average consumer into a PHD overnight. That being said, the days of over priced MLM products are coming to an end. Consumers want quality products and great prices. This is where LiveGood comes in. LiveGood meets both of these requirements and gives the opportunity to make a residual income as well.

The subscription business model- the future of marketing

The subscription business model is the future and is here to stay. Sam’s Club, Amazon, BJ’s Warehouse Club, Costco, Netflix and so many others use this subscription model.

Right now, you have the choice to seize this opportunity that has never been done before in the history of Network Marketing/Affiliate marketing and join the fast growing affiliate marketing program in history.

How to Earn $294,876/Year with the LiveGood Compensation Plan