Welcome to LiveGood

welcome to LiveGood

Why LiveGood?

Welcome to my LiveGood site. The place to get all of your questions answered. I’ve searched long and hard to find a company that has quality products without the overly inflated prices. Luckily, I was introduced to LiveGood by my brother. After trying the products, researching the quality ingredients and getting to learn a little about the man who is behind formulating these products, I decided I had to get involved. Sharing amazing products with amazing prices that can positively impact your future health is always something I am onboard with.

My Experience

I have been promoting products in the health and wellness industry for over 15 years and I can honestly say I have never seen a hybrid business model like this one. I have had success in this industry because I am passionate about health and wellness and the topic of biohacking is quite intriguing. Reading a lot of research, listening to podcasts, following a ton of doctors has led me to an awakening that must be shared with as many people as possible. I also get to share my success strategies with you. What works, what doesn’t work, how to get started, how to stay focused, how to get results and so much more!

Why Health and Wellness?

Based on the Dietary Reference Intakes, a remarkable 92% of the U.S. population experiences at least one mineral or vitamin deficiency. This deficiency is prevalent across all socioeconomic backgrounds and health statuses, underscoring a widespread concern in the country. Even those who adhere to a seemingly “perfect” diet are not exempt from deficiencies.

94.3% are deficient in vitamin D

91.7% are deficient in choline

88.5% are deficient in vitamin E

66.9% are deficient in vitamin K

52.2% are deficient in magnesium

44.1% are deficient in calcium

43.0% are deficient in vitamin A

38.9% are deficient in vitamin C

These statistics are staggering for a highly developed country. Quite frankly, they are scary! But how did we arrive at this point? While it’s no secret that the Standard American Diet falls short in nourishing us adequately, that’s just one aspect of the malnutrition puzzle. Chronic diseases, soil depletion, and prescription medications all contribute significantly to the depletion of essential micro-nutrients.

Exercise, we need more of it. Tik-Tok, Facebook, Instagram, video games and working inside almost all day has everyone lacking in movement.

I don’t want to dig to far into this here in a welcome post but there will me more to come on these subjects. The bottom line is we need to move more, eat better and supplement to fill in the nutritional gaps that most of us have.

LiveGood Family
Enjoying a Detroit Tigers’ Game

Knowledge with Action is Power

Of course I had to get the whole family involved. Why would I not want to share something with my family that could be so impactful? The opportunity to improve someone’s health and financial future is a win-win in my book. I even have family members using these products that have never used any of the other products that I was affiliated with. I asked them why? They emphatically said “price and assortment”. Basically they couldn’t get what they wanted since we didn’t offer enough enough products and the price of what we did offer was out of their price range. Now don’t get me wrong, they are awesome products but they were just not for everyone. LiveGood products are for everyone. The price is right and the quality is amazing!

Making friends, Growing a Team and Growing a Business

Last but not least let’s talk briefly outside the realm of health and fitness. First, I believe in these products and the benefits they provide backed by studies…… So why not share them with people? When someone watches a new Netflix series these days, the first thing they do if they like it is get on social media and shout from the roof tops of how good it was and that you have to watch it. If someone visits a restaurant that they enjoy you can rest assured they are posting and tagging the restaurant even before they get the bill. Why should this be any different? Why should we all not share something so important with others?


In closing out my very first post on this blog I do want to leave you with with a couple thoughts. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Take control of your health and wellness. No matter where your starting point is you can always change. You just have to put the first foot forward. Ask questions. Lot’s of them. Question everything your doctor prescribes you. Is the prescription a band aid or will it fix the root cause? What is the root cause? Is this a problem that can be fixed with diet and exercise modifications?

I look forward to locking arms with you along your journey!

How to Earn $294,876/Year with the LiveGood Compensation Plan

LiveGood Essential Oils