How to Earn $294,876/Year with the LiveGood Compensation Plan

LiveGood Compensation- A meme of Yoda with the caption you must unlearn what you have learned.

Understanding the LiveGood Compensation Plan

Most people might look at the title of this post and think there is no way that is possible. I look at it a different way, reverse engineer it and do it? In this post I want to focus on giving you a hypothetical situation of how to earn $294,876 a year with the LiveGood compensation plan. I will be focusing on only 2 parts of the compensation plan for simplicity but if everything unfolded how I will be describing it, then, you would make more than this per year from other parts of the compensation plan. I will be focusing on LiveGood matrix commissions and LiveGood Matching bonuses. Both are powerful in there own right as you will soon see.

Before we get started I want to make sure you understand the basics and that LiveGood does not guarantee any level of success or income from the LiveGood Affiliate opportunity. Each affiliate’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. So you could literally 10x the example I am going to show or make 0. (although it is hard to make 0 if you put in any effort)

The Network/Affiliate Marketing industry is broken. Let’s take a look at why.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates, (partners), via commission, for driving traffic or sales to their website through the affiliate’s marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing usually involves these 4 main components:

  1. Merchant (Advertiser or Retailer): This is the company that sells the product or service. The company offers an affiliate program to boost sales by using the efforts of individual marketers
  2. Affiliate (Publisher or Partner): This is an individual or company that promotes the merchant’s products or services through marketing channels such as websites, blogs, social media, word of mouth or email marketing. Affiliates earn a commission for every sale, lead, or action generated through their individual referral link.
  3. Customer: This is the end user. The person who makes the purchase or completes the desired action that the merchant is looking for. (usually a sale)
  4. Affiliate Network (Optional): A platform that connects merchants with affiliates and provides tracking, reporting, and payment solutions. Some better known affiliate networks include Commission Junction, ShareASale, and Amazon Associates.
LiveGood affiliate working on the computer

How it Works

  1. Joining an Affiliate Program: Affiliates sign up for an affiliate program that is offered by a merchant or through an affiliate network.
  2. Promoting Products: Affiliates will receive unique tracking links or codes to promote the merchant’s products or services on their platforms.
  3. Driving Traffic: Customers click on these tracking links and are redirected to the merchant’s website.
  4. Generating Sales/Leads: When a customer makes a purchase or completes the desired action, the affiliate’s link records the transaction.
  5. Earning Commissions: Each affiliate earns a commission for each sale or lead generated through their referral link, typically a percentage of the sale amount or a fixed fee.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

  • Cost-Effective: Merchants only pay for real results (sales, leads, clicks) which makes it a low-risk marketing strategy.
  • Wider Reach: Affiliates help extend the reach of a merchant’s products to a broader audience.
  • Performance-Based: Affiliates are motivated to maximize their efforts since their earnings will be directly tied to their performance.
  • Scalability: Both merchants and affiliates can scale their efforts by leveraging multiple partnerships and marketing channels.
  • Earnings: Unlimited earning potential

The Downside of Affiliate Marketing

  • Results could vary widely from month to month: You could be promoting an awesome offer that only lasts for 60 days and have great results. Your monthly income could sky rocket for those 60 days but once the offer is over it is back to the drawing board to find the next great offer. So if you are looking to have a more predictable income this could be a problem.
  • You will need a lot of traffic: Let’s say you are promoting Amazon products. Amazon pays on average 3-4% per sale that converts. So you will have to get the traffic, and then hopefully a percentage of that traffic translates into sales.
  • No customer capture or getting to know the customer: Once a click through happens and a purchase is made, you have no idea who that person is nor can you re-market to them again for a chance at recurring commission. (with most offers, some might offer recurring commissions)
  • High Prices: Prices will be higher since the company has to pay out higher and higher affiliate commissions.

Affiliate Example

I want to use Amazon as an example. Let’s say you were an Amazon Associate and you were promoting the Amazon Prime membership. You had a good following on Instagram and your plan was to show a collage of Prime benefits with a link to the Amazon Prime Membership.

Amazon Affiliate offer for an Amazon Prime Membership

You would earn $3 for everyone that signed up for 30 day trial of Amazon Prime from you link. If they cancelled the membership before before it was time to pay, you would still earn $3, but if they continued on and the paid $139 for the year you would not earn anything extra or any type of recurring commission. Boooo!

Is there an Amazon Prime bounty?

What’s nice about Amazon is they pretty much have every product under the sun at your disposal to earn a small commission. But there is no recurring commission or ability to re-market to those customers in any way unless you capture their email prior to sending them to you Amazon affiliate link.

Personally, if I am going to spend the time, I want the ability to earn a recurring commission.

What is Network Marketing?

Also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), network marketing is a direct marketing technique in which a company recruits individuals to market its products or services personally. In many ways, it is similar to word-of-mouth advertising, where one person tells another about an amazing product they’ve used and recommends that they try it. Network marketers earn money not only from selling the product themselves but also from referring others who do the same — and those people doing the same, ad infinitum. Network marketing can yield some impressive results because of how easily this word-of-mouth aspect can snowball. There are billions of dollars in earnings each year that validate network marketing as a viable way to make money working with your own personal business from home — or anywhere there are people for you to directly market to. Network marketing usually involves these 4 main components:

  1. The company: The company offering the products or services that you can market.
  2. Distributor (Independent Business Owner IBO): This person promotes the company’s products or services in exchange for a commission. With Network Marketing you will have access to your customers and can create a recurring income.
  3. Recruiting: A distributor will also have the opportunity to recruit other distributors to build a team for an opportunity to earn more commissions on team volume.
  4. Customer: As with affiliate marketing, this is the end user. The person who will be buying the products you are promoting.

How Network Marketing Works

  1. Sign Up: The person who referred you to the company will help you get signed up through their branded website.
  2. Promote/Use Company Products: You will purchase the company’s products at a discount for your use and promote the products to others.
  3. Promote Company Business Opportunity: You will promote the opportunity to others to build your team.
  4. Earn Commissions: You will earn a commission when you retail products. You will also usually earn a bonus when you recruit a new distributor. You will also earn on the volume created by your team.

Benefits of Network Marketing

  • Cost Effective: The initial investment in Network Marketing is usually small compared to a traditional brick and mortar business.
  • Performance Based: You make money when you make sales and the company makes money.
  • Website: You do not have to build a website. You will be provided with a site to send prospects to branded with your information.
  • Earnings: Unlimited earning potential
  • System: You are usually provided with a system to help get your business up and running.
  • Training: There are usually vast resources of training on your company and Network Marketing in general.

The Downside of Network Marketing

  • Qualification/Volume Requirements: You usually have to buy a certain amount of product to qualify for higher ranks.
  • Prices: Networking company product prices are generally higher. The consumer is smarter than ever these days and does not want to pay $99 for something they can get at Sam’s Club or Amazon for $20.
  • The Trend: Most Networking companies have peaked or are trending down.
  • Auto ship: Most companies want you to be on some sort of auto ship in order to qualify for commissions.
  • Team Structure/Legs to Balance: If the company has a binary compensation plan then you will be constantly trying to juggle legs and where to sponsor people.
  • Attrition: The attrition rate in Network Marketing is horrible. Yes, I know this from first hand experience. Most people quit and you are constantly trying to fill the pipeline. Attrition also extends to products as well. Most retail customers only stay on a product for about an average time of 2.8 months. Why? Usually because it was too expensive.
Save up to 90% with LiveGood

The LiveGood Affiliate Program Fixes these Problems

LiveGood is like a hybrid between Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. They took the best from both systems to come up with a better model to offer quality products at almost wholesale prices. What LiveGood has done in the industry is known as a market disruption. Much like what Carvana did to car dealers, or what Amazon did to retail, or what the internet did to Travel Agents, or what Uber did to Taxi drivers…. There are so many disruptions out there but I think you get the picture.

People are fed up with the old ways of Network Marketing and out of the carnage will come a new way to do things much like all of the companies I’ve mentioned above. You can either fight it or you can embrace it and use it to your advantage. Will commissions be affected? Yes! Will profit margins be affected? Yes! But at the end of the day these changes benefit the consumer and that is what matters.

You can keep trying to build a business built on product consuming distributors with constant churn or you can embrace change and market something that will benefit everyone.

With the LiveGood Affiliate Program there are:

  • No quotas to meet
  • No monthly auto ship requirements
  • No legs to balance
  • No overly priced products to buy
  • No attrition to worry about
  • No volume requirements
  • YES, you can build a recurring monthly income
  • YES, you can see your customers

Just share a membership that gives consumers what they want….. the highest quality products and the best possible prices.

Here are examples of LiveGood Member Prices

LiveGood CBD oil price comparison
LiveGood collagen price comparison
LiveGood essential oils price comparison
LiveGood organic coffee price comparison
LiveGood preworkout price comparison
LiveGood creatine with HMB price comparison
LiveGood Super Greens price comparison
LiveGood Super Reds price comparison
LiveGood whey protein isolate price comparison

Now Let’s Talk Money and How to Get to this $294,876 a Year with LiveGood

The Global dietary supplements market is enormous. In 2023 in was valued at USD $177.5 billion and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2024 to 2030. Which puts us right around USD 327.42 billion for year 2030. Yes, that is BILLION with a B. LiveGood is already capturing a lot of that business as they are shipping to pretty much every country in the world already. LiveGood has about 1.3 million paid members as of this writing and are projecting 40-50 million paid members by 2030.

Global dietary supplements pie chart for 2023

What does this mean for us? OPPORTUNITY! If you are reading this, you are in the right place at the right time to capitalize on changing consumer patterns and buying habits. Consumers are more price conscious than ever and are more discerning with where they spend there disposable income. Bottom line, you can’t just push any old product to market anymore. Products must be competitively priced and of high quality.

The Math

One thing I love about math is that it is indisputable and can’t be argued with. 2+2=4 end of story!

Let’s call this example the POWER of 10. You are looking for 10 people who see what you see and want what you want or even more. This membership provides great value and it’s only .33 cents a day which will make it easier to promote.

LiveGood Matrix commissions

Rinse and repeat. Those 10 are like minded individuals and can also find 10 people who see the value in these products and want to save and make some money. Keeping in mind that this only costs $9.95 a month.

Now you are at 100 movers and shakers. People are so happy with their savings that they are screaming it from the rooftops. At this point you have rank advanced twice. To bronze and now you should be sitting at silver. As a silver LiveGood affiliate you can earn $4095.50 monthly once your 2×15 matrix fills and you will earn a 50% match on your personally sponsored affiliates. There is no limit to the number of people you can personally sponsor so this part of the LiveGood compensation could be huge.

Let’s continue. Those 100 are following the Power of 10 and go out and help 10 people save on their supplements as well. That brings us to 1,000 members on your team. 100 x 10=1,000 It’s crazy how fast it can grown once the exponential math kicks in.

The cycle continues. Those 1,000 are continuing on the the plan. Get 10 who understand the power of this company. 1,000 x 10=10,000

This next part is mind boggling and might be hard to believe but you now have 10,000 strong who believe in the Power of 10 and the value LiveGood brings to the table. 10,000 x 10=100,000 which is more than enough to fill your 2×15 matrix. (at silver rank you get paid out 13 levels which is more than enough to meet my example of $294,876/year) I’m showing you 100,000 just as an example so the math works out. Your 13th level will only have 8192 members on it and once you reach that level, that is all that is needed for this example to play out.

Now your matrix is filled and the 10 superstars you sponsored have a filled matrix as well. (or pretty close to it)

Woman LiveGood affiliate working on the beach


  • You are a Silver LiveGood affiliate
  • You are earning $4095.50/month from your matrix &
  • You are earning $20,477.50/month match of the 10 you sponsored (50% of their matrix bonus)
    • 50% of $4095.50= $2047.75
    • $2047.75 x 10= $20,477.50
  • $4095.50 + $20,477.50= $24,573/month
  • $24,753 x 12= $294,876/year

What if you fail 80%?

Maybe you’re thinking that you don’t know 10 people who want to save money, earn some money or can’t afford .33 cents a day. Well what about 2? Yes, just 2. Do you know 2 people who take supplements and would like to save and build a side income? And everyone else gets 2 instead of 10. In this day and age I think we all know someone who takes supplements. Let me show you the power of 2:

  • You are a bronze affiliate
  • You are earning $4095.50/month from your matrix &
  • You are earning $4095.50/month match of the 2 you sponsored(50% of their matrix bonus)
    • 50% of $4095.50= $2047.75
    • $2047.75 x 2= $4095.50
  • $4095.50 = $4095.50= $8191/month
  • $8191 x 12= $98,292/year

Even if you and your team can only sponsor 2 people, the earnings are well worth it.

Also, keep in mind these two examples do not include weekly fast start commissions, retail commissions, customer acquisition bonuses, influencer bonuses, diamond pool bonus or the crown diamond bonus. So there is definitely a lot more room for much higher earnings. Get all of the exact details by checking out the LiveGood Compensation Plan.


I hope I was able to paint a picture of what is possible with the LiveGood affiliate program. Will everyone get 10 or 2 or 5? Probably not. Some people will sponsor 0 and some will sponsor 300. In the end, hopefully you remain consistent and it averages itself out. Remember the math doesn’t lie.

The bottom line is the current system is broken. Offering a subscription model to give customers awesome products at almost wholesale prices fixes most of these problems and is a win win for everyone. And at .33 cents a day, well, it’s not going to break the bank.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today!


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